Why peg solitaire?

This is one of the games I have some personal connection. Besides the basic card games and Dominoes, peg solitaire might have been one of the very first games I've played. Or one of the first ones I remember. This image is the actual peg solitaire I played a lot as a kid when I was visiting my grand parents. That picture on the cover tho'... Dude has some heavy hangers. And Joga? I don't know. And I still missed the chance of naming the game “pegging”. Maybe next time.


Big thanks goes to opengameart.org and great artists who contribute to the community. Buttons are modified from screamingbrainstudios.com CC0 buttons and background is again CC0 from cynthiayosha, and “marbles” are actually CC0 Christmas balls from a user wenrexa.

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