How to play

The goal is to fill the whole grid with numbers from 1 to 25. Only two moves are allowed: over one tile diagonally and over two tiles horizontally and vertically.

Start the game by pressing ❎-button. When in game, use your mouse to add first number (number 1) anywhere on the grid.  After that you are allowed to add subsequent numbers in following ways:

Horizontally and vertically you have to skip over two squares. These are jumps from 1 to 2 and 2 to 3. Diagonally you have to skip over one square. These are jumps from 3 to 4 and 4 to 5. So, after number 5 you have two options for number 6. Try to fill the whole board with numbers from 1 to 25.

Timer and attempt counter

On title screen you can use 🅾️-button (Z-key on keyboard) to turn on the optional timer. Timer will run when gameplay is active, ie. when you can add numbers to board. When you reset the board to try again, timer will return to zero and attempt counter will advance. 

When you solve the puzzle attempt counter will show you how many times you tried. Attempt counter will zero if you quit and start again from the title screen.

Updated 8 days ago
Published 15 days ago
PlatformsWindows, macOS, Linux, HTML5
Made withPICO-8
Tags2D, 8x8, Casual, PICO-8, Retro, Short, Singleplayer
Average sessionA few seconds
InputsMouse, Touchscreen


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